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office (330) 299-0267
fax (330) 349-0427

1371 Church St.
Mineral Ridge, Ohio 44440








Guardianship and Protective Services, Inc., (“GAPS”) is a non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Ohio to provides guardianship services to those individuals who qualify. 

GAPS was formed to insure that guardianship and conservator services continue to be available for Trumbull County residents who do not have family or other persons available or capable of performing the necessary roles and responsibilities of a guardian or conservator.


Our Mission

Guardianship and Protective Services, Inc., mission is to provide guardianship services that enable and enhance elderly impaired persons living in Trumbull County to be free from neglect, abuse or exploitation and to live, explore, and receive needed health care in the least restrictive community settings available.